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CiSRA Puzzle Competition 2010 - Solutions

1B. Casino

The top and bottom halves of the puzzle are views from above and below of the same set of dice (mostly), as if the dice had been placed on a glass table and the lower view is looking up from behind and below.

Matching the dice up is complicated by two factors:

  • Because the bottom view is from below, the colours are a bit darker.
  • Because the bottom view is from behind, dice on the left of the upper image are on the right of the lower image.

Some of the dice have changed orientation between the top and bottom views. The simplest way to spot them is to look for dice that are showing the same number in both views.

1B. solution 1

Looking carefully, you'll notice that, for each colour of dice, the numbers that appear in both views are unique, consecutive numbers starting from 1. The next step is to join them up, in numerical order, by colour, in the same order as a spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. One indigo die is showing both 1 and 5, so it's connected twice. Doing this on the top view gives the following:

1B. solution 2

The answer is RUBICON. (And yes, the die is cast.)