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CiSRA Puzzle Competition 2010 - Solutions

1A. The Third Down Below

It should be possible to recognise some movie title fragments from parts of the list, such as "Nanook of the ...", "... Meets the Wolf Man", and so on. A quick trip to the Internet Movie Database or other places on the Internet should confirm this, fill in some of the more obscure titles, and establish that each line consists of two partial film titles.

A further insight should reveal that there is a third movie title that fits in between each pair, using the words added to make the first two movies, plus one or more additional words. The pattern is also demonstrated by the puzzle title, "The Third Down Below":

The Third Man - Man On Fire - Fire Down Below

Finding all the movies in the puzzle gives the following:

Nanook of the NorthNorth by NorthwestWest Side Story
The Princess BrideBride of FrankensteinFrankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
Operation Dumbo DropDrop Dead FredFred Claus
To Die ForFor Your Eyes OnlyOnly The Lonely
A Time To KillTo Kill a MockingbirdBird on a Wire
Three Nights on a Saturday   Saturday Night FeverFever Pitch
Bad BoysBoys Don't CryCry Freedom
Sucker PunchPunch-Drunk LoveLove, Actually
Heaven Can WaitWait Until DarkDark Star
Life Is SweetSweet Sweetback's Badasssss SongSong of the South
Very Bad ThingsThings To Do In Denver When You're Dead  Dead Man Walking

Examining the middle part of the middle movie (ie. the part that is not shared with the outer movie titles) reveals:

By North
Your Eyes
A Mocking
Sweetback's Badasssss
To Do In Denver When You're

The initials spell the phrase "BODY AND DUST".

Trying to apply the same rule again and splitting this into two parts potentially gives:

Body and Soul - ? - Stardust

However this does not lead to any movie title in the middle. There are a few other films ending in "Dust", but again, none of those lead to a movie title in the middle. The correct approach is to move the "and" to the other side:

Body Heat - ? - Heat and Dust

This approach gives the same word on both sides, emphasising its importance. In fact Heat is the name of a famous Michael Mann film. It's also what a man on fire would be feeling, tying back into the puzzle title.

HEAT is the answer.