CISRA Puzzle Competition 2007 - Team Statistics

This is the archive of the 2007 Puzzle Competition. Please visit the current competition site for information about the latest Puzzle Competition.

Team name: WAD

This team has 2 members.

This team has registered with one or more non-Australian-resident or non-student members, and is thus ineligible for prizes.

Answer attempts

Puzzle groupUsed    Remaining
A.1, B.1, C.1, D.14    96
A.2, B.2, C.2, D.210    90
A.3, B.3, C.3, D.34    96
A.4, B.4, C.4, D.48    92
A.5, B.5, C.5, D.53    97

Puzzles solved

C.1 Continuity5    2007-03-23 13:21:22
A.1 Alpha Ward5    2007-03-23 14:01:28
D.1 Beginnings5    2007-03-23 14:21:32
B.1 Artefact5    2007-03-23 21:22:30
B.3 Association5    2007-04-17 19:37:22
C.3 Iconoclast5    2007-04-17 22:21:07
A.4 Third World5    2007-04-18 21:42:29
A.2 Cut Verse2    2007-04-19 10:11:15
B.2 By Numbers2    2007-04-19 10:48:05
C.4 Formulaic4    2007-04-19 14:31:59
C.2 Calculate2    2007-04-20 02:03:38
B.5 Down To Earth5    2007-04-20 02:12:55
C.5 Hall Of Fame5    2007-04-20 02:17:46
B.4 Circular Logic3    2007-04-20 09:56:08
A.5 Turgid Streams3    2007-04-21 14:21:17

Knight Grand Commander of
The Most Exalted Order of Group 1