CISRA Puzzle Competition 2007 - SolutionsThis is the archive of the 2007 Puzzle Competition. Please visit the current competition site for information about the latest Puzzle Competition. D.5 Graphic NovelIntuitive leap: Each pair of letters indicates an edge in a graph. The vertices of the graph are labelled with the letters A-Z. A graph can be created by drawing a line between the letters in each letter pair. For example, the first letter pair is "AC" - you just need to write an A, write a C a short distance away, and draw a line between them. Likewise for "BD". When you get to "CD", the C and the D are already drawn, so you just need to connect them with a line. As you go, you may have to reposition some letters to make sure the lines don't cross over each other. When you're finished, you will have a set of discrete sub-graphs. For each sub-graph, the vertices are ordered alphabetically from left to right then top to bottom, when drawn correctly. The sub-graphs are also sorted left to right in alphabetical order of the vertices, to give this result: A B G K\ P\ U W-X-Y | | / \ | L | Q | | C---D H I M< R< | | | | \ / | N | S | | E F J O/ T/ V Z The graph forms the name of a famous novel graphically: HOBBIT.