CISRA Puzzle Competition 2007 - SolutionsThis is the archive of the 2007 Puzzle Competition. Please visit the current competition site for information about the latest Puzzle Competition. B.5 Down to EarthIntuitive Leap: The puzzle is a game of Connect Four. The puzzle is this: drop key guava nit out ivy aim tug pal shin pater dug 1312625166476466714457141222775545275????? The first thing to notice is that there are the same number of characters in the top line as in the bottom. Removing the spaces from the top line gives us this: dropkeyguavanitoutivyaimtugpalshinpaterdug 1312625166476466714457141222775545275????? There are several possible approaches now, but trial and error reveals that subtracting the numbers from the letters produces new words (by subtraction, I mean shifting a letter towards the start of the alphabet by an amount equal to the number): dropkeyguavanitoutivyaimtugpalshinpaterdug - 1312625166476466714457141222775545275????? connectfourtheninsertthissentenceinto????? The question marks stop us completing the sentence, but we'll come back to that later. Reading the sentence as an instruction, it tells us to "connect four" then "insert...". But what does "connect four" mean? The board in a game of Connect Four has seven columns and six rows. That's 42 slots, which matches the number of characters in the puzzle - that's interesting! Connect Four can be played by naming which column (1 to 7) you wish to drop a piece into next. All the numbers from 1 to 7 are present in the puzzle, and 8, 9 and 0 are not present. This is looking hopeful! If we play the game by dropping pieces according to the sequence of numbers, we can find out what the board will look like. In the diagram below, the pieces of the two players are marked "x" and "o", and a sequence number is written next to each piece. (For example, the 5th move of the game was played by player "x", and is shown as "x 5".) +--1----2----3----4----5----6----7--+ | x25 x35 x33 x37 o16 o36 | | x23 o28 o24 o34 x15 o30 | | o18 x27 o20 o32 x13 x29 | | o 8 o26 x19 x31 o10 o22 | | x 3 o 6 o14 x21 x 9 x17 | | x 1 o 4 o 2 x11 x 7 x 5 o12 | +--1----2----3----4----5----6----7--+ The only way to continue the game is to drop pieces into column 3, which implies that the next five pieces (o19, x20, o20, x21, o21) must all be dropped in column 3. So, we can replace "?????" with "33333" in the puzzle. The final board position (with player "o" winning on the last move) will be this: +--1----2----3----4----5----6----7--+ | x25 x35 o42 x33 x37 o16 o36 | | x23 o28 x41 o24 o34 x15 o30 | | o18 x27 o40 o20 o32 x13 x29 | | o 8 o26 x39 x19 x31 o10 o22 | | x 3 o 6 o38 o14 x21 x 9 x17 | | x 1 o 4 o 2 x11 x 7 x 5 o12 | +--1----2----3----4----5----6----7--+ And the missing word is "board": dropkeyguavanitoutivyaimtugpalshinpaterdug - 131262516647646671445714122277554527533333 connectfourtheninsertthissentenceintoboard The full instruction can now be read: "connect four then insert this sentence into board". How can we insert that sentence? By dropping letters from that sentence into the board, instead of "x" and "o" pieces. If we do that, we get this result: +-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-+ | s n d e o i t | | h n r i i n e | | S E A R C H t | | f s o e n u t | | n c b e t o n | | c n o r t e t | +-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-+ The password, SEARCH, can now be seen running across the middle of the board.