CISRA Puzzle Competition 2007 - SolutionsThis is the archive of the 2007 Puzzle Competition. Please visit the current competition site for information about the latest Puzzle Competition. A.5 Turgid StreamsIntuitive leap: Each line of poetry can be transformed into a question, by locally anagramming sets of letters. For example, the start of the first line of the puzzle is "How swathed". This can be partitioned into three short anagrams: "How|swa|the|d..." "Who was the d..." Likewise, the whole poem can be partitioned such that each group of letters anagrams to a new word, to form a hidden message. Here is each line of puzzle text broken up into its anagrammable partitions: How swathed in test of hating snow? how|swa|the|dintest|of|hatingsnow Who was the dentist of Washington? This refers to George Washington, who is noted for having false teeth. His dentist was John Greenwood. How versed I codeth thy roe of a tit, verily? how|versedicod|eth|thyroe|of|atitverily Who discovered the theory of relativity? This one's straightforward: Albert Einstein. Then code some sworn lake man, the|ncodes|omeswornlak|eman The second moonwalkers name? Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin was the second person to walk on the moon. I move to craft rising player's man up, imove|tocra|ftris|ingplay|ersmanup Movie actor first playing Superman? Many actors have played Superman, but Christopher Reeve starred in the first Superman movie. And tie robust one - maintain crab odor. andtierobus|to|nemaintai|ncrabo|dor Subordinate to inanimate carbon rod? Probably the trickiest line to anagram correctly. The answer may be familiar to fans of The Simpsons (but is otherwise findable with a web search) - it's Homer Simpson. At this point, we have a list of names: John Greenwood Albert Einstein Edwin/Buzz Aldrin Christopher Reeve Homer Simpson The initials of their surnames spell out the solution to the puzzle - GEARS.