CISRA Puzzle Competition 2007 - Solutions

This is the archive of the 2007 Puzzle Competition. Please visit the current competition site for information about the latest Puzzle Competition.

A.1 Alpha Ward

Intuitive leap: The puzzle text is full of references to the pilot's alphabet, otherwise known as the NATO phonetic alphabet.

Repeat twice: Five guys, a girl and their father
(in a radiation outfit) went to a country, a
Canadian province and a city. There they met two
Greeks, an African and an American. They danced
twice (to critical acclaim), had a drink in a pub,
played a sport, and before December they founded a
software company.
  • Alpha: one of the "two Greeks"
  • Bravo: "to critical acclaim"
  • Charlie: one of the "Five guys"
  • Delta: one of the "two Greeks"
  • Echo: "Repeat twice:"
  • Foxtrot: one of the two "dances"
  • Golf: "played a sport"
  • Hotel: "in a pub" (in Australia, pubs are often associated with hotels)
  • India: "a country"
  • Juliet: "a girl"
  • Kilo:
  • Lima: "a city"
  • Mike: one of the "Five guys"
  • November: "before December"
  • Oscar: one of the "Five guys"
  • Papa: "their father"
  • Quebec: "a Canadian province"
  • Romeo: one of the "Five guys"
  • Sierra: "a software company"
  • Tango: one of the two "dances"
  • Uniform: "outfit"
  • Victor: one of the "Five guys"
  • Whiskey: "had a drink"
  • X-ray: "radiation"
  • Yankee: "an American"
  • Zulu: "an African"

The only word from that alphabet not represented in the puzzle is KILO, which is the solution.