I was very tempted to render Lazarus's ship as Mork's egg craft from Mork & Mindy. Another interesting point from this episode is a scene in the recreation room:
MASTERS: Hi. Coffee?
ENGINEER: Is that an order, Lieutenant?
MASTERS: I know what you mean.
The obvious implication, especially given the acting in this scene, is that the coffee on board the Enterprise is awful.
Finally, I went to some effort to reproduce the special effect seen in the "interdimensional corridor" cut scenes. The effect was generated in the original episode by a semi-transparent overlay photo of the Trifid Nebula. And when we see Lazarus fighting his alternate universe alter-ego, that appears in a lurid negative colour image underneath the nebula. Because my recreation is difficult to see in the comic, here is a version which is easier to see.
Image of the Trifid Nebula is courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech/NOAO.
Captain's log, Stardate 3087.6. Investigating an unknown planet.
Spock: Iron-silica base, oxygen-hydrogen atmosphere—
SFX: Boom! {overlay of nebula}
Kirk: Report!
Spock: The universe winked out of existence for a split second. Or perhaps it was that oxygen-hydrogen atmosphere igniting.
Caption: On the planet:
Lazarus: Thank heavens you've come! I need your help! My sense of balance is terrible!
SFX: fall
{back on board the Enterprise}
Masters: Captain, the event drained the dilithium crystals.
Kirk: Without that technobabble, our orbit will decay in 10 hours! Re-amplify them!
Masters: Yes, I was waiting for your command before saving the ship...
Lazarus: {with bandage on forehead} A monster destroyed my people. I've chased him across the universe. I need dilithium to stop him!
Kirk: Dilithium? Well you're not getting ours! Now sit here with no guard.
SFX: Boom! {overlay of nebula and two men fighting}
Masters: Captain, some of our dilithium is missing!
Spock: Well that is a fascinating mystery...
{on the planet}
Lazarus: I didn't do it. Look, here's my time machine. No dilithium in there.
Kirk: You're right.
Lazarus: Now give me dilithium!!
SFX: Boom! {overlay of nebula and two men fighting}
{sick bay, Lazarus is lying in bed}
Kirk: I think he's responsible for all this!
SFX: J'accuse!
McCoy: He's sick, Jim! Leave him alone.
Kirk: Keep an eye on him.
McCoy: He's not going anywhere. Not this time.
Caption: Actual line
Caption: McCoy turns his back and...
Masters: Fire in Engineering! Someone opened an unsecured panel and moved a jumper connector!
{Lazarus stealing dilithium behind Masters's back}
SFX: sneak
SFX: steal
Kirk: Lazarus!!
Caption: Note: Lazarus never told Kirk his name
SFX: Boom! {overlay of nebula and two men fighting}
Lazarus: {no bandage} Hello, Captain. This is a parallel antimatter universe. My insane duplicate wants to destroy both our universes.
Kirk: I'll push him into the dimensional corridor so you can fistfight him for all eternity to save both universes.
Lazarus: Um...
Caption: No bandage!
SFX: push!
Kirk: Universes saved!
Spock: But what of Lazarus?
Kirk: Do you think I'll get a medal?