7 turns, Goldfish goes first. The cube now has Kaladesh energy cards in it.
Player | Score | Notes |
DK | 10↑↑↑7.03 | More precisely: 2↑↑↑8.80 |
GB | 10↑↑↑2.74 | |
SI | 10↑↑5.86 | |
AS | 10↑↑2.581 | More precisely: 106515 |
DMM | 1041.2 | |
LP | ||
TM | Use first 7 turns to Time Warp using Melek to get 2 extra turns; use those turns to copy Ugin's Nexus ~50 times; use those turns to convert creatures → mana (Gaea's Cradle) → creatures (White Sun's Zenith) each turn. | |
DB |
Build up the board in turns 1-6 as follows:
1: Forest; Lotus Bloom (suspend 3)
2: Island; Artisan of Forms
3: Mountain; Edric, Spymaster of Trest
4: Tolarian Academy; Pentavus (sac Lotus Bloom)
5: Plains; Xenagos, the Reveler; Rings of Brighthearth; Strionic Resonator; Pentavite ×3
6: Plains; Cathar's Crusade; Feldon of the Third Path; Pentavite ×21; (Discard down to 7 at end of turn, including Clever Impersonator)
In turn 7, Play another land, and Mizzium Transreliquat, copying the Rings.
The main engine now makes an appearance.
- Xenagos's +1 ability (gain a mana per creature) goes on the stack.
- Then Feldon of the Third Path's effect (Bring a copy of creature from graveyard) goes on the stack.
- Then Rings and Resonator effect cascade with each other to get 6 copies of the Feldon effect for 18 mana.
- Use these to create 6 token copies of Clever Impersonator, entering play as more Rings and Resonators.
- Resolve 3 copies of Xenagos's ability, doubling Pentavites in between each one with (almost) all the mana.
Now cast Eye of the Storm, then Time Walk.
Copy Eye of the Storm's trigger by 4× Resonator and 4×4× Rings activations, for 21 extra turns.
Extra mana goes to make more Pentavites (246 at end of turn).
(The Cathar's Crusade + Pentavite combo effectively gives us "1: gain a creature")
Of the next 21 extra turns, the first 20 focus on maximising copies of Xenagos's +1 effect to maximise Pentavites:
- Put Feldon of the Third Path's effect on stack.
- Of 257 mana, use 51 to reach 7 untapped Resonators and 7 Rings
- Use 206 mana with the Resonators and Rings to get 56 total copies of Xenagos's +1 effect
- Between each Xenagos effect resolving, spend all mana to double Pentavites
Turn 8 ends with 264 Pentavites.
Turn 9 ends with 2262 Pentavites.
Turn 10 ends with 22261 ≈ 2↑↑6.444 Pentavites.
Turn 11 ends with 2↑↑7.444 Pentavites.
Turn 28 ends with 2↑↑24.444 Pentavites.
On turn 29, cast spell 1 of 5 to trigger Eye of the Storm.
Use the main engine to gain 2↑↑24.444 extra turns.
On the last of those turns, we have 2↑↑(2↑↑24.444) Pentavites.
On that turn, cast spell 2 of 5 to trigger Eye of the Storm.
Use the main engine to gain 2↑↑(2↑↑24.444) extra turns.
On the last of those turns, we have 2↑↑(2↑↑(2↑↑24.444)) ≈ 2↑↑↑5.80 Pentavites.
After all extra turns from spell 3 of 5, we have 2↑↑↑6.80 Pentavites.
After all extra turns from spell 4 of 5, we have 2↑↑↑7.80 Pentavites.
After all extra turns from spell 5 of 5, we have 2↑↑↑8.80 Pentavites.
On the 2nd-last turn of this set (when we also have ~2↑↑↑8.80 Pentavites):
Remembering that Cathar's Crusade gave +1/+1 on all creatures each time a Pentavite entered play:
Total damage is (n2 + n) / 2, where n = 2↑↑↑8.80. This also equals ~2↑↑↑8.80.
First turn puts mox, sol ring, mana vault, island, gilded lotus, phyrexian metamorph (copying lotus), and lighthouse chronologist into play (with one level).
Second turn puts stolen identity on the chronologist, copying a lotus, levels up the chronologist three more times, and plays brago. Attacking lets stolen identity make another lotus, finishing levelling up the chronologist so we get an extra turn after the goldfish takes its turn.
Extra turn plays wheel of fortune, and puts kurkesh, echo mage, and mirari into play (and a mountain). Brago lets us bounce artifact sources for more mana, and move the phyrexian metamorph to copy an echo mage. Stolen identity gives us another echo mage; note that mirari can be used on stolen identity, and kurkesh on mirari; get some more lotuses. Then play koth, lotus cobra, and damia.
On turn three we level up echo mages, copy various things, and play part the waterveil, copied in various ways for eleven extra turns.
By the time the eleven extra turns are up, we have 3133 levelled up lighthouse chronologists in play. Also a roiling horror, serra avatar, and thirty or so walls of reverence. (Walls give us life based on horror's power, which then turns into power for horror and avatar, etc.)
Goldfish gets a turn, we get 3133 extra ones, by the end of which we are going to get around 4×10912 more extra turns, etc.
When we look close to hitting our end, we use Howl of the Horde (copied many times) and Time Stretch (copied very many times) to give the goldfish stupidly many turns, each of which will give us lots again, etc.
Basic engine is:
1. Turn all creatures into Corpsejack Menace, using Mirrorweave exiled by Elite Arcanist. Add ~2n +1/+1 counters onto something.
2. On the following turn, turn all creatures into Rapacious One. Deal ~2n damage, putting ~2n creatures into play.
3. Repeat from step 1, with n replaced by ~2n.
Setup is:
Turn 1: Forest, go.
Turn 2: Island, Mox, Show and Tell → Omniscience, play all the engine pieces, Empty the Warrens (storm count 11) to get the engine started.
Turn 3: Get up to 37713 creatures total using Battle Hymn for mana, Haze of Rage with repeated buyback (33 casts, 1120 total copies), turning all the creatures into Rapacious One, and creating a whole lot of tokens.
Total turns: 10
Extra turns from Temporal Trespass, with rebound from Cast Through Time, and then flashed back from Past in Flames.
The real hassle was getting my engine, which needs a lot of resources to set up, started, with limited card draw and mana. And being strictly limited to 7 extra turns, with no way to copy Medomai or Temporal Manipulation.
Turn 1
Forest, Fastbond, 3×land, 2×Moxes, Concordant Crossroads
Turn 2
Draw+play Medomai the Ageless
Attack for an extra turn (no summoning sickness thanks to Crossroads)
Gain an extra turn from Medomai every regular turn
Turn 2a, 3, 3a, 4
Slowly (PAINFULLY slowly, even) use Nin the Pain Artist to draw cards and build up mana base. I have to cast a cheap creature just so Nin can kill it, so she doesn't have to kill herself or Medomai.
Eventually this allows:
Turn 4a
In play: Doubling Season, Flameshadow Conjuring, Aid from the Cowl, Primeval Bounty, Hooded Hydra (4/4, it was only cast with X=2 due to low mana)
Parallel Lives (add 6 counters to Hooded Hydra, from Primeval Bounty/Doubling Season)
Kalonian Hydra - activate Flameshadow Conjuring to make 4 copies
Make Shapesharer a copy of Kalonian Hydra
Cast: Fireball (with X=0), Exploration, Animation Module, Fabrication Module - just to trigger Primeval Bounty 4× and add +24 counters to Hooded Hydra
Attack with 6 Kalonian Hydrae
Hooded Hydra 34/34 → 34×36 = 24786
Turn 5, 5a, 6, 6a, 7
Attack each turn with Kalonian Hydra and Shapesharer clone
Hooded Hydra → ×32 each turn
Turn 7a
Temporal Manipulation for one extra turn
Restoration Angel
Copy Restoration Angel 4 times using Flameshadow Conjuring
Flicker Kalonian Hydra 5 times, copy it 4 times each time it comes into play
Now have 22 Kalonian Hydrae (including the Shapsharer)
Hooded Hydra → ×322 = 4.6×1019
Turn 7b
Ob Nixili to kill Hooded Hydra
Hydra turns into 4 × 4.6×1019 Snake tokens (thanks to Doubling Season, Parallel Lives)
Craterhoof Behemoth, copied 4 times by Flameshadow Conjuring
All creatures get +20 × 4.6×1019 power
Damage: 1.7×1041 = 1041.2
Turn 1: [8 cards] Black Lotus, suspend Hypergenesis, Mox Emerald, Aether Vial, Swamp, Library of Leng
Turn 2: [3 cards] Swamp, tap Aether Vial to put Soul Warden into play
Turn 3: [2 cards] Swamp, Necropotence, draw 19 cards
Turn 4: [19 cards] Hypergenesis puts 18 cards into play:
1. Purphoros lets War Elemental remain in play.
2. War Elemental
3. Mycoloth
4. Ageless Entity
5. Ghave, Guru of Spores
6. Rhox Faithmender doubles the life gain amount.
7. Archangel of Thune eventually puts a bunch of counters on WE via Soul Warden.
8. Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician
9. Silverblade Paladin gives WE double strike.
10. Instill Energy lets WE attack this turn.
11. Finest Hour lets WE attack twice each turn.
12. Celestial Mantle gives WE +3/+3 and a life-doubling ability.
13-18. Six lands including two Islands, two Plains, a Mountain.
Ten mana sources in play, so tap one to make 1 Saproling via Ghave.
19. Clone Legion cast from hand. Copy each creature. Put counters on everything.
Now there are 22 creatures in play, including two Soul Wardens.
WE has at least 91 counters on it, and +3/+3, and double strike.
The token WE has fewer counters but also has double strike.
First WE attacks, double strikes.
Second attack phase everything attacks.
Turn 5:
Mycoloths generate many Saprolings for free.
First WE attacks, double strikes.
Second attack phase everything attacks.
Turn 6:
Mycoloths generate many Saprolings for free.
Storm Herd
repeat attacks
Turn 7:
Mycoloths generate many Saprolings for free.
repeat attacks
At the end, Soul's Fire.
mezzacotta | Comic Irregulars' Magic: The Gathering | Goldfish Draft
Last updated: Wednesday, 29 April, 2020; 17:46:59 PDT.
Original material copyright © 2015-2020, The Comic Irregulars. dmm@irregularwebcomic.net