Infinity on 30 Credits a Day

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Poll 18

23 March 2007 - 30 March 2007

Instructions to voters were:

Dialogue for the page by Pumpkinetics.

There are a lot of dialogue options here. Most of them work with this page as the third page of the comic, but some imply a different page ordering. Don't let that bother you - just pick the dialogue you like best. The page ordering will be shuffled to make it work.

In all of these dialogues, the lines are numbered according to what panel they appear in. If a number is skipped, that means that panel is silent.

  1. 1 Jake (off panel): Another successful takeoff! Set the scanners to long-range mode.
    2 Jake (off panel): Main screen, turn on!
    2 Dazer (off panel): We're getting a signal!
    2 Jake (off panel): What?
    3 MC (off panel, text in a dialogue box): Attention, all racers! Please meet at the starting line in two minutes, or you will be disqualified!
    4 Jake: Oh, great. Looks like we'll just make it!
    5 Jake: Dazer! What's our engine status?
    5 Daisy: Everything's looking fine! How'd you and Jimmers repair the damage so fast?
    6 Jake (off-panel): Hey, I'm just good like that.
    6 Jimmers: <grumble>

  2. 1 Narration: The Infinity, a retrofitted merchant cruiser.
    2 Narration: Equipped with the latest in nauhe shielding, multispace scanners, and other meaningful-sounding devices.
    3 Narration: In the Zzybak galaxy, we find it on its way to the starting line of the race. It's quite far away. Its crew has time to discuss important decisions, which may drastically affect the outcome of their endeavour.
    4 Jake: Sure you won't let me do the patch job, Dazer?
    4 Jake: I hate driving.
    5 Daisy: It's 'Captain'. And I can't risk another explosion.
    6 Jake: Yeah, see, that's my other point.

    4 Jake: Dazer, I'm getting that red flashy thingy again.
    5 Daisy: It shows we're losing pressure in an engine chamber.
    6 Daisy (voiceover - continuation from panel 5): It's not critical so I've got Jimmers repairing it.

  4. 1 Voiceover: Soundless and mighty, the Infinity soars through space...
    2 Voiceover: Where does it go? What is its purpose?
    3 Voiceover: The Great Zzybak Space Race! Held once a decade, attracting hundreds of competitors, this weeks long endurance trial promises great glory to the winner... and even greater monetary rewards!
    4 Jake: Sweet Christmas! That sounds great! I'm in!
    5 Dazer: Fantastic, Jake. Can I assume, then, that you'll approve my repairs budget so we can actually make this craft spaceworthy?
    6 Jake (in voiceover bubble, square-shaped): Fine, fine. Geeze..
    6 Dazer: (in voiceover bubble, square-shaped): Good. I'll tell Jimmers his plan won't be needed.
    6 Dazer (second voiceover bubble, square-shaped): Stupid duct tape.

  5. 1 Narration: So, finally, our heroes are in space.
    2 Narration: Everything packed and checked.
    3 Narration: Approaching the starting position.
    4 Jake: Pressure drop in Bay 2. Jimmers, take care of it.
    5 Daisy: Jake, you've said you had checked everything.
    6 Jake's voice: I checked everything concerning take-off. What else do you want from me? I've had very little time y'know.

  6. 1 Jake: Jimmers!
    2 Jake: Hey! Blobhead!
    3 Dazer: Give him a rest Jake! He's patching the last leak now.
    4 Jake: I know, but it's a big one.
    5 Dazer: He's perfectly capable.
    6 Jake: Remember, Jimmers, two layers of duct tape for this one.

  7. 1 Jake: Coming up on the start line.
    2 Jake: How's she doing?
    3 Dazer: No major system failures. How's it look out there?
    4 Jake: Competition looks tough.
    5 Dazer: We can handle them.
    6 Dazer: If the ship doesn't fall apart first.

  8. 1 caption box for Jake: Five minutes. Looking good.
    2 caption box for Dazer: Did you tell Jimmers to strap in?
    3 caption box for Jake: No. Why would I do that?
    3 caption box for Dazer: ...Good point.
    4 Jake: It's aft doing some last minute repairs.
    5 Dazer: Oh good. With nothing going wrong in the last half hour, I was getting worried.
    6 Intercom: How's it going back there Jimmers?
    6 Jimmers: Which side goes against the bulkhead again?

  9. 1 Caption: A marvel of modern technology hangs serenely in space...
    2 Caption: The Infinity...
    3 Caption: Meanwhile, over 100 kilometres from that marvel...
    4 Jake, shouting: What'd you say Dazer?
    5 Daisy, shouting: The comms are out and we're not moving. What's going on?
    5 Jake, shouting: Jimmers is working on it. Engines first!
    6 Jimmers (thought): Cover/patch holes. Cover/patch holes. On engines. Cover/patch holes.

  10. 1 Caption: The starship Infinity takes off from the pit station.
    2 Caption: All the final modifications have been made, the ship is ready to race.
    3 Caption: Joining the other contestants at the start of the race, the crew makes its final preparations...
    4 Jake: Dazer, you got all the connections made on the engine?
    5 Daisy: Yeah, just finished. I sent Jimmers down to fix that problem in the fuel lines, it should be done by now.

  11. 1 Jake: Hey, Dazer come here a minute.
    2 Dazer: What is it?
    3 Jake: The race is starting in 5 minutes, and I still have no power.
    4 Jake: Can you run down and check on Jimmers?
    5 Dazer: You trust Jimmers to fix the power?
    6 Jimmers (thinking): Now where would the engine be?

  12. 1 Daisy: Well, that was close.
    2 Jake: I told you, Daisy, we'll be fine.
    3 Jake: The mods to the engines should work beyond expectation.
    3 Daisy: I've learned not to expect much, so...
    4 Jake: How's the ZQH-835 Mark 4Z-P Engine?
    5 Daisy: Everything reads green and is holding together.
    6 Jake: Holding together? This ship is practically air-tight and ship-shape.
    6 Daisy: Whatever you say, captain.

  13. 1 Textbox: Later
    4 Jake: Hey Dazer, take a look at the competition. They won't know what hit 'em.
    5 Daisy: I thought I told you not to call me that. And don't get too cocky yet. Remember the "incident" back during the interviews?
    5 Jake: Aw come on. With a ship like this, we've got it in the bag.
    5 Jake: [Speech bubble spilling over into bottom panel] What could possibly go wrong?
    6 Jimmers: [Thinking] Duct tape is kinda like molecular sealant...

  14. 1 Caption: The Infinity slowly approaches the starting grid of the Great Zzybak Race, the crew checking the systems one last time.
    2 Caption: One small leak is detected, and Jimmers is sent to fix it.
    3 Daisy, Off-Screen: All systems ...working. Scans of the start gate up, now.
    3 Jake, Off-Screen: Wow, look at the competition. Good thing we're so small. Who bothers with flies, eh?
    4 Jake: Why'd you hestitate with the 'working,' by the way? They do!
    5 Daisy: <sighs> There's still the leak.
    5 Jake: Jimmers's on it. With exact instructions, I promise.
    6 Jimmers: I think that's supposed to be the sticky side. Doesn't to stick to me though...

  15. 1 Jake: Huzzah! See Dazer? I told you that I'd get her up and running in time!
    2 Daisy: In time? We were supposed to leave right after the interview and it took you another three hours to finally finish covering the ship's frame!
    3 Jake: Hey, I got the casing on in the end didn't I? Did a good job too, we're at the starting line and we haven't died of suffocation. Happy?
    3 Daisy: I was happy just to see that you got the casing on without using duct tape.
    4 Jake: Wait, who said that we weren't using duct tape?
    5 Jake: Did you not want me to use duct tape?
    5 Daisy: I sincerely hope that that's another joke.

  16. 3 Caption 1: [Bottom right corner.] Finally underway. The race starts in an hour, which means we worked a minor miracle getting the engines remounted properly. At least nothing else can go--
    3 Jake (off panel): Dazer!
    4 Jake: We've got a red light on Tank C, Jimmers is on it.
    5 Daisy: Better him than you, fumblefingers. At least it'll do a proper job.
    6 Daisy (off panel):'d probably use more of that duct tape of yours.

  17. 1 Jake: Systems in order?
    2 Daisy: Check.
    3 Jake: Scanners on-line?
    4 Daisy: Check.
    5 Jake: Everything taped into place?
    6 Daisy: Uhm... check?

  18. 1 Jake Starr (voice over): Relax Dazer. We can get more rations at our first fuel stop.
    2 Jake Starr (voice over): Besides, all that stuff Jimmers bought will help keep the drive going.
    3 Daisy 'Dazer' Hoshino (voice over): I hope you're right. That is one strange design we came up with. I think we'll make good time.
    4 Jake Starr: Well, we're about to find out. The race is starting in two minutes.
    5 Jake Starr: Hey, how's Jimmers doing with that leak?
    5 Daisy 'Dazer' Hoshino: It's a simple fix. I'm sure it's handling it fine.
  1. 1 Race officiator(oov): Last call, all ship to the starting line.
    2 Race officiator(oov): Competitors, on your marks...
    3 Race officiator(oov): GO! GO! GO!!
    4 Jake: Yeah!! That was a great start, I have a good feeling about this race.
    5 Daisy: Hold on a sec Jake, I'm getting power fluctuations in life support, it's almost like we are venting air somewhere...
    6 Daisy(oov): ... No hang on again, everything seems okay now... wow that was strange.

  2. 3 Jake: Okay... ( in small font at the bottom near the ship )
    4 Jake: For the last time, I had nothing to do with any explosion of anything on this ship. Today.
    5 Jake: ...and about that...
    5 Daisy: Don't worry, Jimmers went to keep the damage low, after some persuasion.
    6 Jimmers (thinking): This stuff doesn't taste like duck at all...

  3. 1 Jake: See? Told you she'd fly. Perfectly safe.
    2 Daisy: Until she spectacularly explodes, right?
    3 Jake: She'll be fine. You just worry about your engine.
    4 Jake: Hey, I'm getting some strange readings from the environmental systems.
    5 Daisy: It's nothing.
    6 Daisy: I've got Jimmers on it.

  4. 1 Caption: What secrets does this unassuming ship conceal?
    3 Caption: The starting line... Each ship poised to traverse the gulfs of space.
    4 Jake: What the...?
    5 Jake: We've sprung a leak!
    5 Daisy: Port fuel line.
    6 Caption: Jimmers is dealing with it...
    Jimmers(thinking): Light side. Dark side. Light side. So confusing!

  5. 1 caption: The spacecraft Infinity, built by Jake Starr and Daisy "Dazer" Hoshino.
    2 caption: The spacecraft Infinity, a ship that boasts a questionable homegrown engine.
    3 caption: The spacecraft Infinity, the one with the highest volume of duct tape in the history of the Great Zzybak Race.
    4 Jake: Dazer!
    4 Daisy [from the ship]: Hm?
    4 Jake: Are we there yet?
    5 Daisy: We'll land as soon as Jimmers fixes the undercarriage pusher.
    6 Jimmers [thinking]: This one's for good. I'm sure I've seen Jake fixing it...

  6. 1 Dazer's voice: That was the rudest reporter I've ever met!
    2 Jake's voice: They do that for the viewers. They love controversy.
    4 Jake: Hey, is Jimmers ready with lunch yet?
    4 Dazer's voice: You trusted it to make food?
    5 Jake: Well, it said it was making lunch.
    5 Dazer: Did it say it was "making" lunch, or "fixing" lunch?
    6 Jake's voice: What difference does that make?

  7. 1 Daisy: Uh, Jake?
    1 Jake: What's up Dazer?
    2 Daisy: I'm getting some pressure fluctuations in the laterals here...
    3 Daisy: ...and we've got ten minutes until final check-in!
    3 Announcer (broadcast): All craft report to starting area, All craft report to starting area!
    4 Jake: I know, it's the auxiliary line. Don't sweat it, I sent Jimmers to fix it before we launched.
    5 Daisy: ...and how long ago was that?
    6 Jake: errr..
    6 Jimmers (thought bubble): ??

  8. 1 Daisy[Off Panel, Via comminator/Over-Com]: We've got a lotta Bogeys up on our twelve o'clock, sir.
    2 Daisy[Off Panel, Via comminator/Over-Com]: Oh my god, there's so many of them!
    3 Jake[Off Panel, not via comminator/over-com]: Yeah. It's called the great race for a reason, Dazer. We're going to race against a great many people.
    4 Jake: And knock off that CB radio talk. It makes Jimmers hungry.
    5 Daisy: Yes, sir. And before you asked, I gave Jimmers a treat before we left.
    6 Jake: Oh? What?
    6 Daisy: Nothing we'll be needing again.

  9. 1 caption: [Jake and Daisy lecture Jimmers on not pushing unknown buttons]
    1 caption: [The mostly-superficial damage is fixed, but few people now bet on the Infinity]
    2 caption: [In space, there are no sound-effects. Otherwise, there'd be a synthesised rumbling sound]
    3 Jake {off-panel}: We do still have time to get to the starting line!
    3 Daisy {off-panel}: If we don't, we'll be disqualified - one big waste of time!
    4 Jake: Well, get the power levels back up then!
    5 Daisy: Just calm down. They'll be back up. Soon.
    6 Schroedinger {from hole}: Mrrk mrrrp.
    6 Jimmers: Come please out! I must now duct tape hole!

  10. 1 Whirrrr Clank...
    2 Crunch Hisssss
    3 Daisy: We've got a split in the main fuel distributer... no time for repairs; the field's lining up.
    4 Jake: We'll need something strong to hold it together until we can really look at it.
    5 Daisy: Jimmers, can you get hold of something that'll do the job till the next stopping point?

  11. 1 Announcer-voice from off-screen (zig-zag pointer on speech balloon?): Attention all racers. Attention all racers. The Great Zzybak Race will begin in eight minutes. All racers, please report to the starting gate.
    2 Dazer: Did you remember to check--
    2 Jake: Done!
    2 Dazer: And the--
    2 Jake: Did it!
    3 Dazer: Are you sure you've--
    3 Jake: Finished!
    3 Dazer: And Jimmers is--
    3 Jake: Taking care of it right now.
    4 Dazer: I don't see--
    4 Jake: Check monitor #3, it should be there by now.
    5 Dazer: Oh. There it is.
    5 Jake: See? Like I said, 'Nothing to worry about.'
    6 Dazer (from off screen): Waitaminute! Is that duct tape?
    6 Jake (from off screen): What color is it using?!

  12. 1 Caption: The Infinity
    3 Caption: It's a big day. The race is about to begin.
    4 Caption: Luckily our heroes have found their ship.
    4 Jake: Moving to the starting area. Raising shields. Warming particle accelerators. Checking for internal flaws...
    5 Jake: There's still that pressure problem in-
    5 Daisy: The engine room, I know. That should be the last defect, and I sent Jimmers to take care of it.
    6 Daisy: Just a minute and we'll be in a perfect condition.

  13. 1 Caption: Sixteen and three quarter minutes later...
    2 Radio: All craft should be assembled and ready to begin.
    3 Radio: Transmission of start codes to commence in 10 seconds.
    4 Jake: See? Lots of time.
    4 Radio: 9...8...
    5 Jake: I knew there was a reason I hired you.
    5 Dazer: I'm pretty sure I hired you.
    5 Radio: 7...6...5...4...
    6 Jake: As long as neither of us is the one who hired Jimmers.
    6 Radio: 3...2...1...

  14. 1 Jake: So, what blew up?
    1 Daisy: Prototype engine, just like I said.
    2 Daisy: It was ex-military, classified as "deathtrap".
    3 Daisy: It was a perfect plan. No-one takes a ship seriously if it explodes, right?
    3 Jake: As long as They think so.
    3 BEEP
    3 Daisy: I've got the relay.
    4 Jake: We'e clear?
    4 Daisy: Check. Race starts in 22 minutes.
    4 Jake: Where's Jimmers?
    5 Daisy: It's managing the fuel tanks.
    5 Jake: Can it handle it?
    5 Daisy: Calm down.
    6 Daisy: It just needs to master our "secret weapon".
    6 Jimmers: My hands is sticky.

  15. 1 Jake: Hey, I said I was sorry.
    1 Daisy: Shut up, Jake.
    2 Jake: Come on, everything's back tog--
    2 Daisy: Shut. Up.
    3 Jake: Daisy, we're about to start the Great Zzybak Race! The start line is right there! Don't start things off like this!
    3 Daisy: All right, all right. Did you take care of the leak on the lower deck?
    4 Jake: What?! Hold the hyperwire a second!
    5 Jake: You never said anything about a leak!
    5 Daisy: I'm just messing with you. I sent our newest crewman down to take care of it.
    6 Daisy: At least I can trust it to use something sturdier than duct tape to fix our problems.

  16. 4 Jake: Okay, the race is starting.
    5 Jake: Everyone ready?
    5 Daisy: Yep, we just have to wait until Jimmers fixes the hull.
    6 Jimmers (thinking): What was this for again?

  17. 1 Caption: Jake: We are out of atmo, everything seems to be holding...
    2 Caption: Jake: Sensors are online and impulse thrusters are good..
    3 Caption: Jake: And thanks to your negotiations, we get a nice view of the starting gate from the rear of the pack.
    4 Jake: Jimmers would like to see this, I think you were harsh in making it clean out the intakes.
    5 Daisy: We have no idea what that alien adhesive would do to the engine. Best it learns to consult both of us before recommending anything.
    6 Caption: Jake: Come on Dazer that thing is harmless. Think of it as a... finishing touch!

  18. 1 Announcer voice: Prepare for the beginning of the Great Zzybak Race! All ships proceed to the starting line.
    2 Jake: okay, guys, this is it. Dazer, are we ready?
    3 Daisy: All systems are go.
    4 Jake: You ready?
    5 Daisy: Ready.
    6 Jake: Jimmers?
    6 Jimmers: Ready.


Dialogue #20 has been chosen as the "alpha" dialogue for this page, written by Infinite Monkey Fawriel.


Total number of votes: 94

Number of preferences: 36

Round 1

Option 1: 9
Option 2: 0
Option 3: 2
Option 4: 1
Option 5: 1
Option 6: 1
Option 7: 1
Option 8: 2
Option 9: 1
Option 10: 1
Option 11: 1
Option 12: 0
Option 13: 9
Option 14: 0
Option 15: 2
Option 16: 3
Option 17: 5
Option 18: 0
Option 19: 3
Option 20: 12
Option 21: 2
Option 22: 1
Option 23: 2
Option 24: 8
Option 25: 1
Option 26: 1
Option 27: 1
Option 28: 1
Option 29: 10
Option 30: 0
Option 31: 7
Option 32: 3
Option 33: 1
Option 34: 0
Option 35: 0
Option 36: 2
Leader is option 20, with 12 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 0
Votes needed to win: 47
Minimum vote is 0 votes.
Options eliminated: 2, 12, 14, 18, 30, 34, 35,

Round 2

Option 1: 9
Option 3: 2
Option 4: 1
Option 5: 1
Option 6: 1
Option 7: 1
Option 8: 2
Option 9: 1
Option 10: 1
Option 11: 1
Option 13: 9
Option 15: 2
Option 16: 3
Option 17: 5
Option 19: 3
Option 20: 12
Option 21: 2
Option 22: 1
Option 23: 2
Option 24: 8
Option 25: 1
Option 26: 1
Option 27: 1
Option 28: 1
Option 29: 10
Option 31: 7
Option 32: 3
Option 33: 1
Option 36: 2
Leader is option 20, with 12 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 0
Votes needed to win: 47
Minimum vote is 1 votes.
Options eliminated: 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33,

Round 3

Option 1: 11
Option 3: 2
Option 8: 3
Option 13: 10
Option 15: 2
Option 16: 3
Option 17: 5
Option 19: 3
Option 20: 15
Option 21: 3
Option 23: 2
Option 24: 9
Option 29: 10
Option 31: 8
Option 32: 4
Option 36: 2
Leader is option 20, with 15 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 2
Votes needed to win: 46
Minimum vote is 2 votes.
Options eliminated: 3, 15, 23, 36,

Round 4

Option 1: 12
Option 8: 3
Option 13: 10
Option 16: 4
Option 17: 7
Option 19: 4
Option 20: 16
Option 21: 3
Option 24: 10
Option 29: 10
Option 31: 8
Option 32: 4
Leader is option 20, with 16 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 3
Votes needed to win: 46
Minimum vote is 3 votes.
Options eliminated: 8, 21,

Round 5

Option 1: 12
Option 13: 10
Option 16: 4
Option 17: 7
Option 19: 4
Option 20: 17
Option 24: 13
Option 29: 11
Option 31: 8
Option 32: 5
Leader is option 20, with 17 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 3
Votes needed to win: 46
Minimum vote is 4 votes.
Options eliminated: 16, 19,

Round 6

Option 1: 16
Option 13: 11
Option 17: 7
Option 20: 17
Option 24: 15
Option 29: 11
Option 31: 9
Option 32: 5
Leader is option 20, with 17 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 3
Votes needed to win: 46
Minimum vote is 5 votes.
Options eliminated: 32,

Round 7

Option 1: 18
Option 13: 11
Option 17: 7
Option 20: 17
Option 24: 15
Option 29: 11
Option 31: 9
Leader is option 1, with 18 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 6
Votes needed to win: 44
Minimum vote is 7 votes.
Options eliminated: 17,

Round 8

Option 1: 19
Option 13: 11
Option 20: 20
Option 24: 15
Option 29: 12
Option 31: 10
Leader is option 20, with 20 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 7
Votes needed to win: 44
Minimum vote is 10 votes.
Options eliminated: 31,

Round 9

Option 1: 19
Option 13: 15
Option 20: 21
Option 24: 17
Option 29: 13
Leader is option 20, with 21 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 9
Votes needed to win: 43
Minimum vote is 13 votes.
Options eliminated: 29,

Round 10

Option 1: 20
Option 13: 17
Option 20: 22
Option 24: 22
Leader is option 20, with 22 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 13
Votes needed to win: 41
Minimum vote is 17 votes.
Options eliminated: 13,

Round 11

Option 1: 23
Option 20: 28
Option 24: 24
Leader is option 20, with 28 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 19
Votes needed to win: 38
Minimum vote is 23 votes.
Options eliminated: 1,

Round 12

Option 20: 35
Option 24: 30
Leader is option 20, with 35 votes.
Total exhausted votes: 29
Votes needed to win: 33
We have a winner!

Raw votes


Infinity on 30 Credits a Day