Random Villages
10 random villages. Reload for more.
- Bury St Antoinettes
Every year on Lunar New Year, the village hosts the prime minister’s crumpet hiding concert. The prize is a lifetime supply of kegs of cider.
- Fairchester-in-the-Severn
Each Lughnasadh, the village beekeepers assemble for the biennial cheese raising masquerade. The losers are declared to be debased warty measles.
- Great Lindness
Every year on Hogmanay, the village hosts the local cider leaping procession. The worst performer is garlanded with lavender.
- Cherryford-by-the-Spey
Good Friday is when the village’s skalds compete against those of Chippinghorn-over-Trent in the bardic nudibranch pantomime. The prize is a greased pole.
- Crewbank
Home of the lunar Hocktide adopted child dragging festival. The worst performer spends a night wandering the jungles.
- Gartwater (sister village of Great Easthollow)
Home of the world’s most prestigious Advent egg burning jubilee.
- Shipbarton (sister village of Lesser Grasbourne)
Yule is when the village’s miners compete against those of Grasstow on Derwentside in the original Chelsea bun ringing demonstration.
- Lower Castlesland
For the past 455 years, venue of the annual Midwinter’s Day sausage roll tipping exposition. A random onlooker is charged with organising the next event.
- Manhamstead (sister village of Sutcove on Severnside)
Each Hogmanay, the village painters assemble for the druidic barn tupping festivity.
- Springhope
For the past 513 years, venue of the carpenter’s vernal equinox bell screaming gala.
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