Random Eldritch Tomes
13 random Eldritch Tomes. Reload for more.
- Acidic Codex of Dream
- Danica Maupoissant’s Vague Guidebooks of Repellent Enchantments
- Roiling Papyrus
- Liber Bracchium Exsanguinia
- Lexicon of Wretched Gift
- Strahd Von Zarovitch’s Codices of Dire Scourges
- Crouch’s Monograph of Mesmerising Ostriches
- The Shiny Text of Flesh
- Herberts’s Notebook of Forbidden Courages
- The Dissertations of Mottled Nausea
- Gladius Venenia
- Drizzt Do’Urden’s Scintillating Scrolls of Glutinous Cults
- Liber Letae
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