Random Breakfast Cereals
10 random breakfast cereals, perfect for starting your day with a burst of energy. Reload for more.
- Raw Sugar-coated Chai: Chocolate-Berry
Scrumptious berry bliss bombs with extra mouth-watering chocolate nuts.
Add some more berry for extra flavour!
- All-Crumbs
Tempting “buckwheat” crumbs with high GI barley and bonus honey-cinnamon shreds.
Free collectable katydid toy inside the box!
- Yearn Crunches: Numbat & “ice Cream”
Delish superfood numbat burst crunches with bonus golden pecan rings.
Product of Ponthaven (the one near Treshire-on-the-Ouse , not the one near Bredorf Withyhope).
- Intensity Pecan Rings
Oh-so-sweet organic “coffee” with extra sunflower seed Xs.
Enjoy with ice cream.
- Just Loops: Oat & Almonds
Enjoyable GMO oat loops, caramel, and almonds with extra fig brits.
Enjoy with espresso.
- Candied Milk Clusters with Liquorices
Heavenly anti-oxidated bon-bon-infused milk clusters with extra 5-grain flapjack shreds.
Have you tried our extra-milk version?
- Air-fried Malt Pecan Stars
Appealing waffle-infused pecan stars frosted with whole-grain “whole wheat” and bonus superfood jelly bean grits.
Best served with almond milk.
- Fun Butterscotch Chunks with Raw Sugar
Rich healthy chunks of butterscotch, syrup, and raw sugar topped with all-natural strawberries and bonus smacks of just syrup.
Scrumptious when served as a side-serve.
- Frosty Rounds: Waffle & Brown Sugar
Tantalising rounds of waffle with bonus energy boosting pecan balls.
See our website for our famously pleasant basically just waffle krisps recipe!
- Ultimate Granola Floss
Luscious granola-filled bananas exploding with artificial berries and extra tasty honey chex.
Take our dexterity challenge. Try it for 12 weeks and see the difference!
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